March 2020, I was standing in front of my daughter's primary school to pick her up. I just got back from work, and honestly was not really looking forward to go home. Although we still lived together, there was no more intimacy anymore between my ex-girlfriend and me. And we would probably get into a fight again, once I got home, which I hated. That night, we decided to go our own ways, and decided that we would tell our 8-year-old daughter the bad news on Sunday afternoon.

I tell you, letting my little girl know that the three of us would no longer be living together in one house anymore, was one of the toughest moments in my life. The three of us couldn’t stop crying that Sunday afternoon, but it was the best decision we could make. I truly believe that separating is better than a relationship without intimacy, which is not the example I want to set for my daughter.

So, we divorced in March 2020, just when Corona struck the world. The bad thing was that once Corona struck the world, we couldn't leave the house because there was a 2 months lockdown in Holland. So basically we just told our little 8 years old girl that we were going to be divorced, but in reality we needed to stay together in the same house. We finally sold the house 6 more months later, and I was lucky that I could buy an apartment nearby shortly after.

I was by myself again, and started thinking what actually had happened to me since I graduated from University?! In these last 2 decades, I really haven't been present, conscious, awake, just living my life, stuck in my mind, stuck in thinking, not actually going somewhere, without direction and having no plan. I felt empty, not my true self, I had no energy, no real joy, and was stuck in the rat race of eating, sleeping, working, repeat! Is this really the life I signed up for?

So I took a week off from work and created a 10 years plan for myself. This plan and what followed next completely changed my life!

Now 4 years later, I have a great relationship with my ex-girlfriend, and my daughter has never been happier. I feel the energy running throughout my entire body and have never felt more confident in my life. Moreover, I no longer have any debts, and have a clear direction to where I want to go physically, mentally and financially. The best thing though, is that I know how to surrender to life, and enjoy what life offers me on a daily basis.

How I did it? The last 4 years I followed every financial and spiritual course you can think of, and experimented with lots and lots of practices on how to free myself from anything that's holding me back. My goal: to wake myself up and make the years to come, the best years of my life! I went through a lot of soul searching, and followed courses from the world-wide experts on how to become financially free, a fantastic combination, as it turned out.

My Kabbalah teacher told me that to become truly free, I need to become a sharing person. This triggered me to create this eBook, a website and a Masterclass to help all divorced men over 40 achieve self-confidence, and the freedom to be their authentic self again, without having to worry about their financial situation.

And I can't wait to share the 3 steps towards living a free life with you!

"Be totally happy and content with who you are and what you have while looking forward to the future, stand on the frontier of what's coming with optimistic expectations and don't give room to (self) doubt, feelings of unworthiness, and impatience. That's the secret of manifestation." Abraham Hicks.